Emphasis: Kneeling and standing lunges (Anjaneyasana and Virabhadrasana 1) Eagle pose (Garudasana) and Stomach Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana) with an added extra stretch.
Props needed: You might need a belt for the final stretch and a blanket for Savasana if required.
Emphasis: Sun Salutations pausing in Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Malasana (Garland Pose) for deep hip flexion and stretch for the back of the body.
Props needed: Block and belt for Malasana variations and blanket for Savasana if required.
Emphasis: Enjoy a good whole-body stretch in these poses which are done kneeling on the floor. Please note this class might not be suitable if you have delicate knees.
Props needed: Blanket for padding under the knees and for Savasana if required.
Emphasis: This meditative breathing practice focuses on lengthening the exhalation which relaxes the nervous system. If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious this simple practice will help you feel calm and more centred.
Props needed: Blanket or block to sit on, but you can do this seated in a chair too.
Emphasis: This class will stretch and strengthen your feet and help mobilise all the little joints (there are 33 in each foot!). You will wake them up and invigorate them, then relax them with a foot massage.
Props needed: a block, a blanket, a tennis ball, some body lotion and some socks.
Emphasis: A strong class with lots of vinyasas but minimal instruction from me. Plenty of time to breathe deeply and get centred in the poses with no distractions. Note: Strong work for wrists and knees. If you have knee or wrist issues please modify the poses to suit.
Props needed: Belt, blanket for Savasana, optional 2 blocks to go under your hands